Vuzix® Corporation (NASDAQ: VUZI), (“Vuzix” or, the “Company”), a leading supplier of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and products, today announced an upcoming online panel discussion featuring Medtronic, a global leader in medical technology solutions, and TeamViewer, a leading provider of remote access software, to discuss key takeaways for a successful deployment of augmented reality for enterprise customers.

Given the continued disruption to global operations, organizations are adopting Smart Glasses solutions to adapt the way they do business.  The upcoming panel event will address key scaling challenges common across industries, particularly how Medtronic has applied innovation to better support their customers and enable growth through augmented clinical case coverage.

Medtronic will provide a firsthand key customer perspective on the global usage of Vuzix Smart Glasses paired with TeamViewer Frontline, along with some best practices around deploying augmented reality projects across a large company. TeamViewer will be attending to provide a software perspective and walk through how they partnered with Vuzix to enable a scalable solution for Medtronic and share cross-industry learnings throughout.

“There are so many pieces of the puzzle to consider when rolling out AR solutions, but even large-scale enterprise deployments can be streamlined down to a few manageable takeaways. We’re proud to have supported Medtronic with powerful hardware that’s first and foremost comfortable to wear, and versatile enough to take on such a wide range of use cases in the operating room and beyond,” said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix. “This panel will be helpful to other organizations that need to address a variety of use cases for enabling the smart enterprise, enhancing customer service, and a host of other practical considerations.”

Source: Company Press Release