Construction of the new center is expected to begin by the end of 2016. In addition to a 10 year service agreement, Varian will also provide its Eclipse treatment planning system training environment for use by Proton Therapy Pte., Ltd. at its new Advanced Medicine Training Centre.

Varian booked the order for the equipment in the fourth quarter of its fiscal year 2016.

The Varian ProBeam Compact system is the only single room system capable of fully rotational intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT).  Treatments can be delivered with an unmatched combination of speed, flexibility and cost efficiency.

The full-featured ProBeam Compact includes a cyclotron, Varian's unique Dynamic Peak™ scanning technology for IMPT, a fully rotational gantry, robotic patient positioning tools, and a comprehensive suite of motion management tools. 

It incorporates cone beam CT imaging for positioning the patient based on high quality anatomical images with excellent soft tissue resolution, and Varian's world-class Eclipse™ and ARIA® software systems for the planning and managing of treatments.

"We selected the Varian ProBeam Compact system because it is the only system suitable to fit within the existing building constraints and for its many technical advantages, the full system integration with ARIA and Eclipse, and Varian's history of innovation and providing its customers access to new technology for the life of the platform," said Dr. Djeng Shih Kien, chairman, Proton Therapy Pte., Ltd.

 "We look forward to working closely with the Varian team on this important cancer-fighting technology in Singapore."

"We have given our Compact system all the technical capabilities of our multi-room ProBeam systems so that clinics can offer the best possible treatment without having to make any sacrifices in performance," said Dr. Moataz Karmalawy, general manager of Varian's Particle Therapy division.

Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California, focuses energy on saving lives by equipping the world with advanced technology for fighting cancer and for X-ray imaging. 

The company is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiation. The company provides comprehensive solutions for radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy and brachytherapy.

The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is also a premier supplier of X-ray imaging components, including tubes, digital detectors, cables and connectors as well as image processing software and workstations for use in medical and industrial settings, as well as for security and non-destructive testing.