Under the terms of the agreement, both the firms will deploy TSO3's Sterizone VP4 sterilizer technology and evaluate related in-use technical and device reprocessing data.

Sterizone VP4 is a low-temperature sterilisation system that uses dual-sterilants including vaporised hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and Ozone (O3) to produce terminal sterilisation of heat and moisture sensitive medical devices.

The system is claimed to sterilise a large number of and a wide range of compatible devices with its single pre-programmed cycle, offering cost-effective sterilization process.

TSO3 said that Dynamic Sterilant Delivery System included in the device will allow automatic adjustment of the quantity of injected sterilant based on load consumption, weight and temperature.

The feature eliminates the guesswork and potential for human error, according to the company.

TSO3 also claims that Sterizone is the first FDA approved product to sterilise multi-channeled flexible endoscopes (with a maximum of four channels) of up to 3.5 meters in length, which include video colonoscopes and gastroscopes.

Sterizone can also sterilise single channel or double channel rigid endoscopes in the same cycle with weight loads of up to 75lb.

TSO3 president and CEO Ric Rumble said: "We are privileged to work closely with Mount Sinai as we continue the global deployment of our STERIZONE VP4 Sterilizers.

"We aim to further validate with Mount Sinai and other leading hospitals our ability to significantly improve existing sterilization processes, increase throughput and reduce cost, while exploring and assessing the process to enable routine terminal sterilization of multi-channel flexible endoscopes." 

Image: The Mount Sinai Hospital of New York. Photo: Courtesy of Homieg340/Wikipedia.