Medical diagnostics services provider SYNLAB has partnered with genomic and theranostic company OncoDNA to offer a pan-cancer OncoDEEP biomarker test in Germany.

Under the agreement, Synlab Laboratories will have access to the OncoDeep test for comprehensive testing of solid tumours and help oncologists detect whether a patient is eligible for targeted treatment or immunotherapy.

The test, which based on the analysis of over 600 genes, aids in the prediction of patient reactions to a wide range of licenced and experimental cancer medicines, adding to SYNLAB’s oncology personalised diagnostics and precision medicine offerings.

SYNLAB’s laboratories in Jena and Mannheim will be responsible for running OncoDEEP, leveraging the technical and scientific knowledge of OncoDNA.

OncoDNA’s proprietary database will be used to aid clinical interpretation, and patient-specific results will be made available on the OncoKDM online platform.

SYNLAB head of human genetics Dr Christian Mayer said: “OncoDEEP is a real asset for oncology diagnostics offering in Germany.

“Particularly in comparison to a single biomarker test, the chance to comprehensively test and predict patient responses to a variety of treatments provides significant benefit to patients and doctors and ultimately delivers accurate decision support on the most effective treatment options.”

OncoDNA chief executive officer Bernard Courtieu said: “We are delighted to transfer our OncoDEEP technology to further enhance SYNLAB in the field of molecular diagnostics for clinical oncology.

“Biomarker testing has the potential to improve patient outcomes and health quality. Improving access to these tests should be a priority worldwide. This collaboration will further support the uptake of precision medicine across Germany.”

In January this year, SYNLAB has announced the acquisition of Valencia-based Sistemas Genómicos of the Ascires Group, a laboratory specialised in genetics and bioinformatics.

The acquisition is expected to complement SYNLAB’s expertise and capabilities in genetics and accelerate the digital transformation of its diagnostic service offering.