The CT3000Plus features the UroCuff Test, a non-invasive test for male voiding pressure, as well as catheter-based urodynamics with an electronic leak-point detector, 2-channel EMG and wireless uroflow scales.

Other options include ultrasound for abdominal imaging and bladder volume measurement, and EMG biofeedback for Pelvic Muscle Rehabilitation.

The patented UroCuff Test measures bladder pressure with a penile cuff (like a blood pressure cuff) instead of a catheter.

SRS Medical CEO Kevin Connolly said the CT3000Plus is a uniquely capable urodiagnostic workstation and the UroCuff Test meets a longstanding need for accurate, non-invasive assessment.

"Many men who have been reluctant to undergo the catheterization necessary for conventional urodynamics can now be tested quickly and comfortably," Connolly said.