Management believes that sale of the second system to a single customer marks an important milestone in the commercialization of its customer's multiplexed DNA test for infections in human blood in the US market.

"We are growing our business with this important customer to SQI. The sale of this second system is further indication of the market potential of the sqidlite™-DH System in DNA detection based applications.

“This sale continues to strengthen SQI's strategic positioning as an important manufacturer and supplier of equipment and multiplexed test kits to high-throughput diagnostic customers and their applications", said Andrew Morris CEO of SQI Diagnostics.    

SQI's relationship with this diagnostic customer began over a year ago to assist in bringing new complex diagnostic products to market. 

Since then we have been working together with them to automate the test process.  SQI and the customer are continuing with the technology transfer activities towards scale-up and manufacturing of test kits.  

While the ultimate use of the diagnostic test kits is confidential, our customer believes this will provide significant competitive advantages through improvements in time-to-results, lower costs and more comprehensive diagnosis in critical testing applications.

This is our second sqidlite-DH sale in our diagnostic business segment and third platform sale overall. We have a fourth system installed at a global biotech customer that is under evaluation. 

SQI Diagnostics is a life sciences and diagnostics company that develops clinical grade multiplexed microarray and molecular assays run on its automated instrumentation for the pharmaceutical research, animal health, and clinical diagnostics markets.