The test, sphingotest pro-NT, enables gynecologists, family doctors and clinical laboratories to detect the release of the satiety hormone neurotensin, which is released in gastrointestinal tract.

As neurotensin is a very unstable peptide, a stable precursor hormone proneurotensin is used as a surrogate biomarker for neurotensin, claims Sphingotec.

Determination of proneurotensin levels offers a substantial advantage in prediction of breast cancer, according to published data in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

The test, which is applicable to all female individuals, regardless of genetic predispositions, will be available in Europe in the beginning of the second quarter of 2013.

Sphingotec CEO Andreas Bergmann said, "We are confident this test will impact current prevention and early recognition programs for breast cancer and ultimately breast cancer incidence as well."