The company has added EDGE Safety Device technology to its Portex Pro-Vent and Portex Pulsator Arterial Blood Sampling (ABS) syringes in the European Union (EU).
Portex Pro-Vent Plus with EDGE safety and Portex Pulsator Plus with EDGE safety provide protection from needle stick injuries with the help of safety device technology, as well as easier implementation and clearer identification can be achieved with the use of one-handed activation, bevel orientation and color-coded needle gauges.
Smiths is providing three syringes with FilterPro air bubble removal device to provide protection from blood exposure.
Smiths Medical global product management vice-president Shrikant Rahalkar said the recent safety legislation enactment in the EU has created greater awareness and demand for device-based protection for clinicians.
"Incorporating EDGE safety device technology into our ABS blood sampling syringes provides an additional level of protection for patients as well as clinicians," Rahalkar added.