SANUWAVE Health, Inc. (OTCQB: SNWV) is pleased to announce they will be offering dermaPACE® System solutions to treat patients in a home setting.
SANUWAVE Health has quickly adapted to the changes occurring in the world of wound care. The COVID-19 pandemic impacting the globe has changed, in the near term, and potentially the long term, the way wounds are being treated. The experts are calling this paradigm shift “Wound Care Without Walls.” The patients that would normally be treated on a weekly, or more often, basis in a wound clinic setting are now in need of evaluation and treatment in their home setting. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has moved quickly to allow reimbursement through use of certain waivers, allowing clinicians and home care organizations to treat these patients in their home. A lot of press has covered the telemedicine initiatives doctors are using to evaluate and triage patients during the crisis. Wound care, unfortunately, is not something that can be considered elective. Wounds must be treated on a regular basis, otherwise infections will set in and the likelihood of amputations could increase dramatically. A webinar survey conducted recently indicated 40% of clinicians are seeing an increase in amputation likelihood due to patients foregoing treatments by avoiding the clinic setting. Clearly, a need for treatment in the home setting exists and now with reimbursement criteria clear SANUWAVE will launch dermaPACE® Mobile System.
The mobile unit will initially roll out in ten clinics that have expressed urgency in bringing the product to market. Each clinic will have either a doctor, physician assistant (PA), or registered nurse deliver the dermaPACE® Mobile System treatment in the home along with other wound treatment modalities like debridement and dressing changes. “We listened to the market’s needs and consulted our key advisors about the best approach to bring dermaPACE® into the home. We are glad the waivers exist in this crisis to treat these patients that would otherwise not be treated and would potentially develop an infection. Infections lead to amputations and the statistics about diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) amputation survival rates are dismal; less than 30% will live more than 5 years after an amputation. We are glad we can treat patients and offer our clinics a way to reach the patients and continue their needed treatments in a home environment. Clinics cannot take a Hyberbaric Chamber into a patient’s home, but they can take dermaPACE® Mobile System to treat them,” said Kevin Richardson, CEO of SANUWAVE Health, Inc.
Source: Company Press Release