The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted an additional 30-month extension for the patent, providing protection beyond the year 2035.

The issuance of the United States patent reinforces the company’s current patent protections in Germany.

“This formal intellectual property strengthens our competitive position in the marketplace and supports our long-standing conviction that our technology is a novel therapeutic medical device for isolating and spraying human stem cells on to serious burns and wounds,” said Thomas Bold, President and CEO of RenovaCare, Inc.

These RenovaCare patents provide exclusive rights for its SkinGun™ device, including the exclusion of other developers from making, copying, using, or selling the invention unless they have obtained a license to do so.

This announcement comes on the heels of world-leading expert in the isolation of specific stem cells ideal for spraying onto burns and wounds, Dr. Roger Esteban-Vives, joining the company as Director of Cell Sciences.

Independent test results conducted by one of the world’s largest university hospitals show that RenovaCare SkinGun™ achieves the ‘gold standard’ when it comes to viability for skin regeneration.

Cell viability is essential to regenerating skin for burns, wounds, and cosmetic applications. Data confirmed that human skin stem cells sprayed with the company’s patented SkinGun™ maintained 97.3% viability.

RenovaCare products are currently in development and are not available for sale in the United States.

RenovaCare is developing first-of-its-kind autologous (self-donated) stem cell therapies for the regeneration of human organs.

Its initial product under development targets the body’s largest organ, the skin. The company’s flagship technology, the CellMist™ System, uses its patented SkinGun™ to spray a liquid suspension of a patient’s stem cells – the CellMist™ Solution – onto wounds.