
The HeartAssist5 is an implantable, electric pump designed for use in patients requiring ventricular support due to end stage heart failure. The CE Mark that includes remote monitoring via provides remote and true flow measurement of the ventricular assist device.

The next generation ventricular assist device provides accurate measurement of true flow. True Flow is now available over

The company has further customized this network for each implanting center so that the real time data is available for monitoring by the implanting center clinicians.

According to ReliantHeart, Remote Monitoring via of True Flow, speed and power is available on HeartAssist5 ventricular assist device.

ReliantHeart claims that HeartAssist5 is the smallest of all Full Flow ventricular assist devices.


Image: The image shows placement of the ReliantHeart HeartAssist5 Ventricular Assist device with remote and true flow measurement monitoring.Photo: Courtesy of Market Wired.