These include GPS Cancer™, the leading molecular test for personalized cancer therapy, the eviti® oncology decision support platform, named #1 Clinical Decision Support solution for 2016 by Black Book Market Research, and NantHealth’s patient engagement, care coordination, and analytics solutions built on NantOS™, the industry’s leading cloud-based, healthcare platform.
Under the terms of the agreement, Phoenix Children’s Hospital will leverage the power of GPS Cancer, a molecular test integrating whole genome (DNA) sequencing, whole transcriptome (RNA) sequencing, and quantitative proteomics in two ways.
First, its network of oncologists will be able to order GPS Cancer, enabling them to gain critical insights to inform personalized treatment strategies including guided chemotherapies, FDA-approved targeted drugs, and active clinical trials for their pediatric cancer patients. Second, Phoenix Children’s Hospital will cover GPS Cancer for its employees and their families, making it one of the nation’s first self-insured employers to cover proteogenomic sequencing for a variety of cancers.
n addition, by combining GPS Cancer with NantHealth’s software portfolio, Phoenix Children’s Hospital will be able to more easily manage and coordinate care for its patient population, thereby helping to improve engagement, reduce costs, and deliver on value-based outcomes. NantHealth’s solutions to be deployed at Phoenix Children’s Hospital include those for:
Oncology decision support: Through the eviti decision support platform, oncologists will have access to evidence-based regimens, condition-specific clinical trials options, and capabilities to streamline preauthorization in advance of cancer treatments. With eviti, Phoenix Children’s joins over 75 percent of U.S. oncology practices who have adopted eviti platform to make better clinical decisions earlier in the treatment process.
Patient engagement: With the NantHealth Patient Portal, patients will be able to access test results, expedite appointment scheduling, and securely communicate with Phoenix Children’s Hospital doctors through a web-based interface, enabling them to be more fully engaged with their care teams. In addition, the Health Heritage web application will allow patients to easily collect and share their family health histories with families and providers to improve care decision-making.
Care coordination: The NantHealth Provider Portal will equip Phoenix Children’s Hospital providers with unified access to a 360° view of the patient across disparate locations and episodes of care.
Through the NantHealth Referral Management application, doctors and administrators will be able to transform a tedious referral processes into a streamlined workflow connecting multiple sources of information and facilities into a single referral resource. Finally, the NantHealth Care Coordination application will help enable seamless collaboration across care settings, including post-discharge care coordination, urgent care triage, wellness programs, and transition of care.
Analytics and Clinical Learning: NantHealth’s analytics and clinical learning solutions, including the NantHealth Outcomes Analytics and NantHealth Value Monitor applications, will enable Phoenix Children’s Hospital to measure and monitor key provider performance metrics to drive continuous improvement initiatives through rich dashboards.
"NantHealth’s GPS Cancer test and expansive healthcare IT portfolio provides us with the rich set of clinical and technical solutions to deliver the most advanced care possible for our patients,” said Robert L. Meyer, President and CEO, Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
"With GPS Cancer, our network of oncologists will be able to gain insight into the most appropriate, personalized cancer therapies before treatment begins, while NantHealth’s oncology decision support, patient engagement, and care coordination solutions will help our care teams become more efficient—in service of our patients—as we continue to move into a value-based world.”