SkyFlow is Philips’ first digital imaging solution providing grid-like contrast improvement and enhanced confidence for grid-less radiography, which improves clinician’s workflow and supports "first-time-right imaging" by decreasing the need for retakes due to misalignment.
SkyFlow is a proven technology for bedside chest exams and will be expanded to include other anatomies. The imaging software reduces the effect of scattered radiation by using an algorithm that requires no operator input and automatically adjusts contrast enhancement based on the amount of scatter, giving clinicians a crisper image to improve their diagnostic confidence.
A study found that radiographers using SkyFlow technology in a grid-less workflow for chest exams saw an average of 34 seconds of time savings per examination compared to workflow with a grid2. SkyFlow can be used for all patient types, including bariatric cases.
"Philips understands the growing need of healthcare providers to increase cost savings while improving patient care," Robert Cascella, executive vice president and CEO, Philips Imaging.
Often radiographers face challenging work environments due to varying patient conditions, tight spaces in the exam room, and the tangle of tubes and cords to navigate. Clinicians often choose not to use a grid in imaging to save time related to grid alignment and ensure patient comfort. Historically, grid-less imaging resulted in scattered radiation, causing a significant loss of image contrast, making it difficult for radiologists to make an accurate diagnosis.
However, grid-less workflow with SkyFlow technology provides grid-like image contrast and enables faster, less error-prone workflows than other non-grid options.
Philips’ X-ray imaging processing technology, including SkyFlow, is available through Philips’ MobileDiagnost wDR and DigitalDiagnost solutions.