The company’s new clinical test offers a game-changing NGS-based metagenomics approach that improves the breadth of pathogen detection. 

Compared to the currently available solutions, iDTECT Blood, a proprietary sample-to-report test, provides clinicians a significantly improved method for detecting bacteria and viruses in blood samples from patients with suspected infections, especially immunocompromised patients.

“With this CE marking, PathoQuest will execute its global strategy and enter in early access programmes in selected countries.” stated Helene Peyro-Saint-Paul, M.D., PathoQuest’s Chief Medical Officer.

“We believe iDTECT Blood will contribute to improved antibiotic stewardship and precision medicine strategies in infectious diseases, ultimately leading to better patient care.”

Professor Olivier Lortholary, Professor and Chair of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, indicated that “In some clinical situations, especially when a patient is immunocompromised, culture and PCR tests are often unable to provide sufficient information to select the most appropriate targeted anti-infective therapy.

“With the availability of iDTECT Blood, clinicians will be able to expand their experience on the basis of the results already obtained in a proof-of-concept study completed at Necker-Enfants Malades and Européen Georges Pompidou hospitals (Paris, France) on a cohort of over 100 immuno-compromised patients.”

“CE marking of the iDTECT Blood test is a major milestone for PathoQuest. It validates the robustness of our sample-to-BioIT analysis solution, driven by PathoQuest’s proprietary iDTECT database and software” stated Jean-Francois Brepson, PathoQuest’s CEO.
“This achievement materializes the leading position of PathoQuest in clinical metagenomics applied to infectiology.