NJOY president and CEO Craig Weiss noted that they have long supported FDA regulation of electronic cigarettes, and believe that the issuance of today’s proposed regulations is a critically important milestone.
"By resisting calls to regulate ahead of – and indeed in opposition to – the science and data, today the FDA has brought NJOY a giant step closer to achieving its corporate mission of obsoleting cigarettes. There are encouraging signs that 10 years from now, this date will be remembered as the beginning of the end of the tobacco epidemic," Weiss added.
Additionally, the chairman of NJOY’s scientific advisory board, the 17th Surgeon General of the US Dr Richard Carmona, agreed that well written FDA regulations could help reduce the incidence of tobacco smoking in the US and the health consequences that are related to it.
Dr Carmona said as it pertains to the public’s health, it’s important that the FDA – and the public – recognize the inherent differences between traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes and these draft regulations are a good first step.
"Cigarettes have killed millions of Americans and while smoking rates have decreased they have plateaued and still too many adults and young people smoke today. By providing better alternatives for nicotine delivery we can reduce the incidence of cancer and heart disease and improve the health and well-being of Americans. I remain committed to studying the health effects of e-cigarette use so that we can all better understand the options for smoking cessation efforts," Dr Carmona added.
NJOY indicated that the company would further review the proposed regulations and looks forward to continued engagement in the regulatory process regarding the content of the final regulations.