In an effort to meet the “urgent need” for better cyber security aptitude in the industry, Velentium has launched a new training programme for medical device manufacturers.

The US engineering firm’s training and certification series – entitled Mastering Embedded Cybersecurity – will establish standards, and educate manufacturers on how to guard against cyber-attacks.

The programme has been introduced in response to mounting cyber security threats, which, according to Velentium, are playing an ever-increasing role in medical device design, development and production phases.

Christopher Gates, principal security architect at Velentium, said: “According to the FDA, eight cyber security-related recalls occurred in 2019.

“There have been more than 40 in 2020, marking a significant increase. This training and certification program serves as an indispensable resource for medical device manufacturers, including engineering management, software engineers, business managers, and regulatory professionals.

“Ultimately, our goal is to use a combination of tools and formalised training to raise awareness of the growing sophistication of cyber adversaries disproportionate to industry understanding.”

Velentium CEO Dan Purvis said the company’s security experts have “worked tirelessly” with regulators and standards bodies to gain a greater understanding of the “intricate security issues and increasing vulnerabilities” facing the medtech industry today.

He added: “As soon as we began teasing this program, we received significant interest from some of the world’s leading players in the medical device field, demonstrating an urgent need for formal training on how to implement cyber security best practices and processes in pre-market and post-market activities.”


New medical device cyber security training programme

To support its new course’s curriculum, Texas-based Velentium will use the bestselling textbook Medical Device Cybersecurity for Engineers and Manufacturers – which was co-authored by Christopher Gates and the company’s marketing strategist Jason Smith.

Due to current restrictions imposed during the global Covid-19 pandemic, the training programme will take place virtually – at least on a temporary basis.

Specifically, it is being offered via take-home course kits or synchronous online learning sessions, and customisable corporate training is also being made available for larger organisations.

The curriculum includes software training to help deliver an “exercise-focused workshop” that grows medical device developers’ understanding of quality coding standards, and expertise, in applying US software firm Parasoft’s automated testing solution.

Mastering Embedded Cybersecurity will offer three levels of training and certification – core, intermediate, and advanced.