The GlobalFiler express kit is the first NDIS approved, fully validated six-dye system, which can be utilized for the rapid analysis of forensic DNA samples, delivering sample-to-answer in two hours.

Introduced in the fall of 2012, the GlobalFiler express kit provides the ability to increase the number of genetic markers obtained from forensic samples by more than 30% to 24%, with a processing time that’s five times faster than other solutions currently on the market.

Technologies Human Identification Business vice president and general manager Nadia Altomare noted obtaining NDIS approval is an important part of the company’s commitment to provide superior rapid DNA technologies to the law enforcement community worldwide.

"The GlobalFilerâ„¢ Express Kit has proven to be a transformative solution for forensic labs, because of its speed and power in comparing DNA data, which ultimately leads to solving and preventing more crimes," Altomare added.

According to the company, the GlobalFiler express kit is the only commercially available forensic genotyping kit that contains all markers recommended for inclusion by the CODIS Core Loci Working Group, including all markers commonly used in most international databases.