InToneMV is a non-invasive, home-based treatment for men with bowel and urine leakage. InToneMV combines a customizable probe with muscle stimulation to effectively strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, helping the patient to maintain continence.
The device has been designed to address the complexities of the pelvic floor, strengthen weakened musculature and improve sphincter closure.
InToneMV also provides voice-guided volitional exercise and visual biofeedback to reinforce proper completion of exercises. The device records data from each home-based session, allowing the health care provider to guide progress during monthly follow up visits.
InControl Medical founder and CEO Herschel Peddicord said that the company’s original InTone device that was FDA listed as a Class II Medical Device for the treatment of female urinary incontinence, helped so many, that the company had to design InToneMV which is a much smaller and more comfortable treatment solution to help both men and women with atrophy.