Featuring a disposable patient interface that uses Near-Infrared (NIR) technology, the Infrascanner Model 2000 detector detects intracranial bleeding and identify the patients who would benefit from immediate referral to a CT scan and neurosurgical intervention.
University Of Pittsburgh neurological surgery department professor and vice chairman and Pittsburgh Steelers team neurosurgeon Joseph Maroon said, "Before the Infrascanner, first responders had to rely on imprecise methods to detect brain bleeds in patients, potentially delaying treatment."
InfraScan president and CEO Baruch Ben Dor said, "Shortening the time to treatment through effective detection of intracranial bleeding can mean preserving brain function in a patient and even saving lives."
Infrascanner, which is developed in partnership with US Navy and Marine Corps, will be available to US civilian customers through MedLogic and to US military customers through ADS Medical.