EHSI said that the term sheet review is a positive step that is necessary to pursue final terms under EHSI’s recent option agreement with ThromboVision, a company that has licensed the patent on the revolutionary new T-Guide Platelet Function Analyzer, which is currently going through regulatory clearance review.
The T-Guide analyzer, a desktop instrument that uses a disposable test kit, is a development of new technology that does not require direct handling of blood, provides an economical testing means and enables doctors to directly measure platelet status.
The unit is designed to be located at doctor’s offices and could become a front line technology that could help prevent heart attacks, strokes and stent occlusions by directly analyzing a patient’s platelet status at the physician’s office. In the US, physicians incur 80 million cardiovascular visits each year, with over 30 million of these patients utilizing Aspirin or Plavix platelet therapy.