Fluidigm, an innovative biotechnology tools provider with a vision to improve life through comprehensive health insight, today announced that Dante Labs, a global pioneer in direct-to-consumer genomic testing, will be offering saliva-based COVID-19 testing services in local communities across Europe utilizing a Fluidigm assay and reagents designed to be run on the Fluidigm Biomark HD system.
“In our whole genome sequencing business, we discovered that noninvasive saliva sample collection was very powerful in providing a positive user experience for people worldwide, maximizing access to advanced diagnostics and testing technologies,” said Andrea Riposati, CEO of Dante Labs. “Because we believe advanced saliva-based tests will be a crucial weapon against COVID-19, we plan to utilize a Fluidigm saliva-based assay and microfluidics technology for all of our saliva-based COVID-19 testing in Europe.
“Exceptional reliability, high performance and the capacity of the Biomark HD system to deliver at scale were all factors in choosing Fluidigm. We are initially using the Fluidigm system to test our own employees, followed by rollout of saliva-based COVID-19 testing services in seven European countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and France. By the end of November, we expect to be processing at least 30,000 saliva-based COVID-19 tests per week in Europe.”
Saliva-based COVID-19 testing utilizing the high-throughput Biomark HD system features an integrated testing platform and a reliable supply chain that laboratories can combine with commonly available automation platforms.
“With some nations in Europe seeing new records in daily COVID-19 cases, we are honored to have been chosen by Dante Labs to increase critically needed saliva-based COVID-19 testing capacity,” said Chris Linthwaite, Fluidigm President and CEO. “In addition to growing adoption of our technology for COVID-19 testing for large public health, governmental and academic customers in the United States, customers in other regions of the globe are embracing Fluidigm microfluidics for high-throughput screening, which is particularly important in countries where infection rates are growing rapidly.”
Source: Company Press Release