Quattro Shoulder system, which comprises of pre-loaded Quattro X suture anchor for rotator cuff repair, Quattro GL suture anchor for labral repair, include a Quattro suture passer and tailored instrumentation designed for anchor implantation.

Quattro X suture anchor features a tapered thread design and is preloaded with two strands of #2 force fiber high strength suture for optimal bone purchase, while Quattro GL suture anchor features an eyelet design for simplified suture management.

David Springer CEO Cayenne Medical said the Quattro system utilizes the company Quattro Link Knotless Anchor soft tissue repair technology for the knee, to answer quality patient outcomes and overall procedure cost.

"Cayenne Medical has seen great clinical success with the Quattro Shoulder System since its limited market release earlier this year, and we are excited to now expand availability worldwide," Medical added.

Tri-County Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine spokesperson Kenneth D. Montgomery said, "The new Link Anchor easily accepts multiple suture strands, which I have found especially useful in cases with complex tears or limited bone for anchor implantation."