Developed using patented multipoint confocal microscopy technology and swept-field scanner, the new system offers low photo-toxicity and photo-bleaching on any biological specimen.

It also features sub-10% field illumination uniformity, options for bypass capability for wide-field and TIRF imaging, as well as high-speed 10-position filter wheel, photo-activation, spectral imaging and un-mixing capabilities.

The microscope’s sub-10% field uniformity deviation is said to allow quantitative analysis in all dimensions.

Bruker fluorescence microscopy business general manager Dr Stephen Minne said: "Making quantitative optical performance ‘standard,’ while enhancing the microscope’s ease and flexibility of operation, all while expanding the applications space into longer term live-cell studies, were our key design challenges for the Opterra II.

"Early customer feedback on the system’s performance, as well as the versatility of its new high-speed filter wheel and bypass module, is that the Opterra II is leap-frogging currently available technology."

Image: Bruker Opterra II multipoint scanning confocal microscope. Photo: courtesy of Bruker Corporation.