The Advanced Robotic Ultrasound Technology includes the Flex Focus 700 Ultrasound System, the 3DART high-resolution endocavity transducer (8838), the RST Robotic Stationary Transducer Arm for securing the endocavity transducer during procedures, and a robotic transducer, ProART.
The new 3DART endocavity transducer is small in diameter for minimal patient discomfort with no moving parts touching the patient.
During surgery, the 3DART transducer may also help identify useful landmarks and assessment of the posterior border of the prostate in real time during dissection.
The ProART transducer has the potential to provide ultrasound guidance and verification during RAPN procedures.
The system comes with a sensitive touch screen and a remote control that gives the surgeon control of the ultrasound system from the surgical console.