The remote patient monitoring solution combines VitalConnect’s FDA-cleared biosensor, HealthPatch MD, with BePATIENT’s web-based solution and associated app, which allows the implementation of personalized healthcare programs accessible through mobile devices and computers.

This spring, BeVITAL will be used in a post-discharge heart failure patient monitoring study at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek and Concord, California.

Dr. Neal White, the Heart Failure Director at John Muir said, "We’re looking forward to seeing how sensor technology and connected patients combine to improve heart failure outcomes for our patients, including reduced readmissions."

The BeVITAL Solution will also be used to follow patients returning home after outpatient surgical procedures at Hospital Infantile De Las Californias in Tijuana, Mexico in a study run by Scripps Translational Science Institute in San Diego.

The BeVITAL solution can be used to monitor and transmit eight FDA and CE cleared biometric data streams from HealthPatch MD directly to practitioners’ smartphones, tablets or computers. In addition, the BeVITAL Solution provides individualized care plans to patients along with meaningful insights to clinicians and researchers.

BeVITAL has already facilitated the post-discharge monitoring of over 80 surgical patients in clinical studies at five hospitals in Europe with two more deployments scheduled for this summer.

Dr. Phillipe Topart, a surgeon from the Clinique de l’Anjou in France said, "BeVITAL appears to be a pioneering, innovative solution allowing us to meet the requirements of bariatric surgery follow-up.

"In general surgery, the vital signs monitoring HealthPatch MD along with the BePATIENT mobile app is a unique tool for remote patient monitoring and detecting post-operative complications. This solution represents a major support tool in complex ambulatory surgery. It seems to me that BeVITAL is a leading connected health solution."

A patient-centric solution, BeVITAL has been positively received by patients. One patient reported, "The BeVITAL solution gave me the confidence I needed to leave the hospital earlier as I knew my medical team was remotely monitoring my health. It was really easy to use and help me understand what I needed to do after my surgery."

Through BeVITAL, BePATIENT and Vital Connect are delivering a true end-to-end solution that helps facilitate the transition toward value-based care.