Aspen Surgical Products, announced it is further increasing production capacity for the Precept brand of personal protective equipment (PPE) to help support COVID-19 relief efforts in North America.
With high demand for facial protection from the outset of COVID-19, over 100 new employees were hired at the company’s Aqua Prieta, Mexico, facility earlier in the year, which increased the output for the face mask line by 50%. With plans to install additional manufacturing equipment in the coming weeks, capacity for this category will be increased by another 25%.
In addition, Aspen is now planning to hire over 100 new employees and is acquiring new machinery in Agua Prieta to support a 35-40% increase in isolation gown production.
“With the Precept line of products, we are helping to fight preventable infections and save lives,” said Fred Allen, interim GM of Aspen’s PPE business. “We recognize the enormous need for personal protective equipment and are working tirelessly to meet high demand from our North American customers.”
“We have been very impressed with the commitment to our customers exhibited by our employees supporting the Precept product line,” said Jason Krieser, CEO of Aspen Surgical. “With shared values of customer-focus as well as patient and staff safety, it was important for Aspen to quickly invest in the equipment and people necessary to help us bring those values to life in the midst of this pandemic.”
Aspen is continuing to take orders for, produce, and distribute PPE products as well as other critical medical and surgical disposables during this time.
Source: Company Press Release