Mesago Messe Frankfurt and the Formnext Team is delighted to announce that Formnext will take place as a physical on-site event in Frankfurt from 16 – 19 November 2021. With approx. 450 exhibitors to date, this confirmation has been greeted with delight by the additive manufacturing community around the world keen to once again meet face-to-face.
Following almost two years of almost entirely digital encounters, whether it be creative exchanges, product demonstrations or meetings, the team in Frankfurt and the AM community are eagerly waiting to get back into the halls in Frankfurt so their 3D-printing ideas can take shape in an effective and creative way.
“In discussions with members of the community over the last couple of years, we have once again come to realize the significance of Formnext. This fair has an exuberance and spirit of innovation that is unbeatable. Just knowing that we can again offer this type of creative space where people can talk face-to-face, enjoy productive chats over coffee, touch products and discuss their progress embraced by the support of the whole community is wonderful”, commented Sascha F. Wenzler, Vice President of Formnext at Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH.
Preparations are full steam ahead for Formnext 2021 and the event is shaping up to be an unmissable one. Highlights are to include high-caliber talks by industry experts, the presentations from Italy as the partner country, the innovations from the purmundus challenge, and Start-up Challenge Pitch-Next Event as well as the TCT Conference and Stage plus VDMA´s and BE-AM´s (Built Environment) special areas. Moreover ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) organizes as a premiere an international standards workshop on the day before Formnext starts. The Formnext team is going all out to make this first event after a year of not meeting physically one to remember.
Formnext will, as ever, be frequented by the majority of the most significant companies in the industry. Around 450 exhibitors, including 55% from abroad, have registered already including 3D Systems, Additive Industries, Addup, Arburg, Autodesk, BigRep, DMG Mori, Dyndrite, EOS, ExOne, Farsoon, Formlabs, GE, Hexagon, HP, Keyence, Markforged, Materialise, Meltio, Nexa 3D, Prima Industrie, Renishaw, Sandvik, Siemens, Stratasys, Trumpf, Voxeljet and XJet.
Whilst there is clearly a lot to look forward to, the health and safety of all attendees remains paramount. As the organizer states on its website, the protection and hygiene concept, which was developed last year to comply with, and even exceed, the legal requirements, is therefore continuously being adapted to the pandemic situation. Wider aisles in the halls, as well as additional communication and waiting areas in higher frequented zones at the event will help people maintain the necessary social distancing. A 3G concept will also be introduced (vaccinated, recovered, tested).
The physical event will be complemented with the Formnext Digital Days two weeks later from 30 November – 1 December 2021. With the rapid growth of the AM community and demand for 3D-printed products in all areas of industry, it is vital to enable those still facing travel restrictions to participate in the exchange of ideas.
Source: Company Press Release