Under the co-marketing agreement, customers accessing the OncoScan FFPE Express Service through the Affymetrix Research Services Laboratory (ARSL) will receive a preliminary Nexus Copy Number data analysis.

BioDiscovery’s Nexus Copy Number can integrate and process the data from nearly all commercial array platforms, as well as custom arrays.

The software is applicable to many types of studies, from focused cytogenetic projects studying chromosome defects to large-scale cancer or genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

BioDiscovery will provide a one-on-one consultation session to assist each researcher with the downstream analysis of their data to elucidate pathways and identify copy number variations (CNV) and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (LOH) events, which are important for understanding characterizations of mutations.

Cancer researchers using the OncoScan Service and BioDiscovery’s Nexus software can now obtain critical cancer genome measurements from archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples and obtain a solution for faster data visualization and analysis.

Affymetrix DNA Cancer Applications global strategic marketing manager Nargol Faravashi said their array technology accommodates challenging FFPE tumor samples as old as 28 years.

"Now that it’s coupled with a best-in-class software solution for visualizing the cancer genome at fine resolution, researchers have a very powerful method to streamline their data analysis processes and accelerate scientific discoveries," Faravashi said.