Leviton, a manufacturer of electrical wiring equipment, has launched its new medical grade power strip, equipped with load monitoring Inform technology.
The company said that its new power strip is designed to complement the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 99: Health Care Facilities Code, which is a major concern of health care facilities.
In addition, the product is the only available medical grade power strip to be in line with NFPA 99 load monitoring requirements.
Leviton commercial and industrial business unit product manager Steve Caramico said: “After visiting many different health care facilities, it became clear that complying with this portion of NFPA 99 has been very difficult and has resulted in non-compliance issues.
“Now, instead of having to manually calculate the total load plugged into the strip to determine compliance, users can simply look at the LED indication.”
The real-time LED feature will only indicate the 75% load limit, and will not stop the power supply
The company said that both the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and The Joint Commission, survey and inspect the devices for NFPA 99 standards.
According to the NFPA 99, the sum of the ampacity of all appliances connected to the outlets does not exceed 75% of the ampacity of the flexible cord supplying the outlets.
The power strip feature a line-of-sight, real-time LED, designed to turn on only when the cord’s load reaches the NFPA 99 limit of 75% or more.
Leviton claimed that the new medical grade power strip, with load monitoring Inform technology, would improve code compliance and electrical safety in health care facilities. Inform technology platform offers real-time data for enhanced safety and productivity.
Leviton commercial and industrial business unit vice president and general manager Mike Mattei said: “We’ve developed Inform as a platform to be embedded into several of our products. Using data, we’re able to improve safety and in the case of the med-strip, compliance with NFPA requirements.”