iXensor has announced that its computer vision-powered PixoTest Covid-19 antigen test holds the potential to identify Omicron and other key variants.

After completing two validation studies, the company has confirmed that its PixoTest Covid-19 antigen test identifies all major SARS-CoV-2 variants.

The company has carried out in-silico analysis followed by a laboratory validation using Omicron variant’s recombinant protein.

The in-silico study assessed the amino acid sequences of N protein wild type and the Omicron variant (P13L, E31del, R32del, S33del, R203K, G204R). It confirmed that the PixoTest can detect the Omicron variant.

As on the original wild type of SARS-CoV-2 used as a control, PixoTest has also shown the same limit of detection (0.25ng/ml) on those variants of concern in the recombinant protein study.

Both study results confirmed that the PixoTest holds the capacity to efficiently detect the Omicron variant, in addition to the earlier confirmation on SARS-CoV-2 Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1), Delta (B.1.617.2), said the company.

The company also stated that the sensitivity of PixoTest Covid-19 Antigen Test is not affected by the Omicron and other variants of concern.

iXensor CEO Dr Carson Chen said: “Now more than ever, Omicron-detectable frequent testing remains a critical part of Covid-19 response to keep communities open, employees and students safe, and enable people to resume traveling with less fear.”

iXensor, which turns smartphones into lab-grade mobile medical diagnostics, launched he PixoTest blood glucose monitoring system as the world’s first US FDA-approved smartphone camera-based blood test in 2017.