At the 9th AFM BioMed Conference, Bruker announced the release of the NanoWizard 4 XP extreme performance Bio-AFM system. The new system integrates Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping, which enables both superior force control and unparalleled AFM ease of use, and industry-leading QI mode for high-resolution nanomechanics on soft samples.
Building on JPK’s pioneering role in combining AFM with advanced optical techniques, the NanoWizard 4 XP system provides highest level correlative microscopy and seamless integration with phase, DIC, confocal or spinning disc microscopies, single-molecule methods (FRET, FCS, TIRF, FLIM, FRAP), super-resolution techniques (STED, PALM/STORM, SIM), Raman, and multiphoton microscopy.
“We have found PeakForce Tapping a most robust way of achieving high-resolution AFM on a variety of biological samples,” said Bart Hoogenboom, Professor of Biophysics at London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, UK. “We are therefore glad to see that it is now also implemented on the NanoWizard systems, which we have successfully used for many years, to achieve similarly high imaging performance on platforms that are compatible with inverted optical microscopy.”
“Since becoming part of Bruker one year ago, we have continued to collaborate closely with our worldwide user base to develop the cutting-edge biological AFM and optical tweezers technologies that our customers need for advanced research,” added Torsten Jaehnke, Bruker’s Director of BioAFM. “With the new NanoWizard 4 XP system, we have once again set a performance benchmark for atomic force microscopy in life science research.”
In addition to PeakForce Tapping and QI mode, the NanoWizard 4 XP comes with JPK’s next-generation Vortis 2 high-speed, high-performance control electronics. Vortis 2 delivers the lowest noise levels and highest signal processing speeds, and it is designed to meet the needs of all operator experience levels.
A revolutionary new workflow-based software GUI includes guidance, auto-setup, and workspace organization to deliver results quickly and to enhance productivity. As an option, NestedScanner™ technology enables an AFM scanning speed of 150 lines per second, unprecedented for a large-scanner system, while maintaining access to any location within all three axes. Researchers have full access to follow dynamics wherever the sample takes them, offering a true synergy with simultaneous optical microscopy. Equipped with the widest range of accessories, the NanoWizard 4 XP is the most versatile Bio-AFM system on the market, providing exceptional flexibility for novel applications and experiments.
JPK joined Bruker in July 2018, bringing in-depth expertise in live-cell imaging, cellular mechanics, adhesion, and molecular force measurements, optical trapping, and biological stimulus-response characterization to Bruker’s worldwide infrastructure and established instrumentation development and support. The JPK BioAFM Business takes advantage of the best of both histories to provide microscopy instrumentation for biomolecular and cellular imaging, as well as force measurements on single molecules, cells and tissues.