St Jude Medical claims that the Eon Mini device is the smallest, long-lasting rechargeable neurostimulator and is the first rechargeable spinal cord stimulator to be approved for use in Japan.

The Eon Mini neurostimulator has a thin 10mm profile and weighs 29gm providing physicians increased flexibility in selecting the implant location and the implant depth makes the neurostimulator less noticeable and more comfortable for patients.

The Eon Mini device features also include advanced programming capability that allows physicians to manage up to eight pain areas simultaneously and in addition 16-contact header, enhanced microchip and software (NeuroDynamix) technology, constant current circuitry and fully portable charging system.

St Jude Medical Japan president William Phillips said that with the Eon Mini neurostimulator they are now able to offer physicians a best-in-class product to help them meet the needs of patients who require a smaller, long-lasting rechargeable system in order to manage their chronic pain.

“The launch of the Eon Mini spinal cord system the first rechargeable technology in Japan is an excellent addition to our growing portfolio of neurostimulation products available from St Jude Medical Japan,” Phillips said.