Voxiva’s care4lifeSM solution is a personalised, interactive mobile health service that uses text messaging, e-mail and a personalised web portal to coach users on the steps they need to take to manage their diabetes.
The combined solution allows diabetics to use mobile technology to capture glucose readings, receive instant feedback on results, monitor weight, cholesterol and other bio markers, and see that results are delivered directly to the mobile phone.
The iglucose and care4lifeSM solutions are expected to enhance audit compliance and provide the user the convenience to dock their glucometer anytime, anywhere to transmit glucose results.
Voxiva CEO Justin Sims said that combining a mobile glucometer with content delivered through a mobile phone offers a simple, convenient and engaging way to improve diabetes management for millions of Americans.
PositiveID chairman and CEO Scott Silverman said that the process is simple and convenient and users connect their glucometer to iglucose and within seconds the data stored in the glucometer is transmitted to Voxiva’s care4lifeSM portal.