Myca Health is a Canadian company that has developed a fully integrated web application, highly customisable and personalised, designed to simplify and streamline the engagement between the American health care system and those in need of care.

Myca Health has selected ZoomMed’s ZRx electronic prescriber as an integral part of its own global Electronic Medical Record (EMR)solution.

ZoomMed said that the ZRx prescriber is much more efficient and easier to use, than the eRx solutions that have been on the market for a long time.

ZoomMed president and CEO Yves Marmet said that he was particularly proud that Myca Health has adopted their ZRx prescriber, knowing full well that we will be replacing one of the two industry giants, used until now by Myca Health.

"This decision is very revealing and represents an external confirmation of our own perception of how our prescriber compares to others," Marmet said.