The current coronavirus pandemic has created shortages in many critical products needed to treat patients, such as laryngoscope blades and handles.

Dilon Technologies’ low cost CoPilot VL+ video laryngoscopy system assists clinicians during intubation to establish an airway the first time, every time.

It is uniquely positioned for use with Novel Covid-19 and other infectious respiratory diseases because of its stand-alone monitor. This provides clinicians with a 3X view of the airway and vocal cords while maintaining more distance between patient and care provider versus direct laryngoscopy.


This is a perfect product for intubating infectious patients. The user is able to intubate without having their face close to the patient.

The optics for the screen are very impressive. The user can see all of the anatomy and structures very clearly. The optics are superior compared to the competition.

The unit is affordable, portable, versatile and easy to use. The CoPilot VL+ system is made in the USA and along with our disposable sheaths, bougies and stylets is in stock in our Newport News, VA warehouse. The CoPilot VL+ video laryngoscope system is available for immediate shipment to your facility. Contact Dilon’s friendly customer service for assistance at 757-269-4910.

Our team stands ready to support you during this time of unprecedented challenge.

Dilon Technologies, a medical device manufacturer based in Newport News, Virginia, strives to improve the quality of life by providing a wide range of innovative medical solutions that benefit patients around the world.

Source: Company Press Release