Mutual Mobile, an Austin-based technology innovation partner, is calling on the tech and medical community to come together to form a Corona Coalition to fight the spread of COVID-19.
“We are calling on developers, product managers, designers, QA and medical professionals passionate about creating a technology solution to come together to support this effort. We are in critical need of backend support for scaling and medical/infectious disease experts that can help us build the most effective solution for the largest number of people,” said John Arrow, Chairman of Mutual Mobile.
Mutual Mobile asks that those that wish to join in the efforts can email their contact info, skill set, and how they can support the effort to so they can be invited to a Slack channel to collaborate.
“We are hoping that with the help of the global tech community we uncover solutions that might not otherwise be possible if we continued to work individually. Today, we are reaching out to ask for support and collaboration,” said Arrow.
The first tool that is in development through these collaborative efforts is called CoronaTrace, a mobile app that notifies people if they were in close proximity, in time and space, with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 using a process called Contact Tracing.
CoronaTrace and all future tools built by the Corona Coalition will be open-sourced to allow for future collaboration and contribution.
“CoronaTrace is currently in the testing phase among Mutual Mobile employees and we are working as quickly as possible to make the app available to everyone on their iOS and Android devices,” said Arrow.
“There are other groups across the world that are working on similar initiatives, some that are trying to use a BLE-based approach or a client-side approach for privacy reasons. We are taking a GPS-based approach with a central spatio-temporal database that balances privacy, user experience and time-to-market. We are freely sharing resources with other groups but think it is important for parallel efforts to take place that can possibly merge down the road once it becomes clear which approach is best for which scenario, ” said Tarun Nimmagadda, Founder of Mutual Mobile.
Source: Company Press Release