The AMLprofiler test has been developed to classify individual AML patients into risk-categories within four days, thus supporting the selection of the appropriate method of treatment.
Using DNA-chip technology, the new method can replace seven different tests of which three are chromosomal aberrations, two gene-mutations and two aberrant genetic activities.
With the use of the diagnostically approved Affymetrix microarray platform and developed IT infrastructure, the AMLprofiler is a cost-effective, standardized procedure for diagnosing AML.
Skyline claims the test is the world’s first diagnostic DNA chip that makes it possible to measure the activity of disease-related genes anywhere in the world and in addition, it can be of great value for clinical research into new cures for leukemia.
The development of the AMLprofiler has been supported by the Dutch Center For Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM) via its ‘BioChip program.’