The APPOSITION III trial primary endpoint is major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 12 months post-procedure.

STENTYS said the Self-Apposing Stent, compared to conventional stents, ‘fits snugly’ into the contour of a blood vessel, and its shape and diameter adapt to the anatomic changes of the coronary arteries during the post-AMI phase.

The APPOSITION II randomized trial compared the STENTYS Self-Apposing Stent with a conventional stent in patients suffering a heart attack.

It showed that three days after an AMI, 28% of patients treated with conventional stents displayed significant malapposition, meaning that the stent was not completely in contact with the artery wall.

STENTYS CEO and co-founder Gonzague Issenmann said APPOSITION III, designed as a large scale prospective clinical study, will substantiate that their stent is the solution for treating heart attack patients.