The VelaShape III is the first FDA cleared, non-surgical device proven to be safe and effective in waist and thigh circumference reduction and treatment of cellulite.
What makes this body contouring device unique is its combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency, Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage, all in one treatment.
Through a virtually painless process, VelaShape III safely contours, shapes and slims the body, allowing patients to achieve a more toned, contoured and well-shaped figure, in as few as four treatments. In fact, with the increased energy capacity of this third generation system, noticeable results have even been seen in as few as 1-2 treatments.
This is a revolutionary option for patients looking to reduce cellulite and body circumference, as well as to reshape problem areas. In a clinical multi-center study, 85% of the treated areas reported Circumferential Reduction of thighs of at least 1 cm, ranging up to 7.2 cm in reduction in many patients.
Velashape III’s incorporation of precise heating ensures safe, effective, and fast treatments with no downtime. VelaShape III utilizes vacuum and specially designed rollers, which mechanically massage the area of cellulite to smooth out the skin and facilitate the safe and efficient heat energy delivery.
After reaching a specifically targeted temperature, fibroblasts in the dermis promote new collagen production and there is an increase in the metabolism of fat. This treatment increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers. Velashape III is also safe on all skin types and causes no additional risk to the epidermis, or top-most layer of the skin.
Dr. Leyda Bowes, Medical Director and CEO of Bowes Dermatology, is a world-recognized expert in non-invasive body contouring. "Our experience with the Velashape III in the treatment of Cellulite has surpassed our expectations with regards to the level of improvement and skin tightening that can be seen with non-invasive devices."