The company has installed Magnetom Aera MR and Somatom Definition AS CT systems, developed to optimise patient comfort and radiographer efficiency.
Candover Clinic superintendent radiographer Desiree Naidoo said: "Patient experience is of utmost importance to us and the recently installed Siemens systems help our patients feel comfortable and relaxed, particularly those with claustrophobia.
Magnetom Aera has been installed to offer better image quality and enhance cardiac imaging features, while the hospital is supporting its work with the Cardiac Dot Engine application that offers automated planning of all cardiac views with AutoAlign Heart.
Featuring Combined Applications to Reduce Dose (CARE), the Somatom Definition is said to be used for a wide range of procedures.
Somatom helps in providing short scan times and its easy-to-use interface allows maximising clinical outcomes and provides more time for patients.
Siemens Healthcare regional sales manager Paul Vaughan said: "The new Candover Clinic in Basingstoke prides itself in offering the most up to date facilities for patients choosing private healthcare."
Image: Candover Clinic has installed Siemens’ two imaging systems. Photo: courtesy of Siemens AG.