According to the company, the new plating set and instruments have been developed to address the most complex distal radius fracture patterns.

Flower Orthopedics president and CEO Oliver Burckhardt said: "We believe that the new Distal Radius FlowerCube is ideal for both high volume hospitals and cost-conscious Surgery centers alike.

"While the plating set has been extremely well received by orthopedic surgeons, it is our standardized disposable instrumentation and the Ready-for-Surgery concept that really bring concrete, quantifiable value for our customers."

The multi-use disposable instruments of the Distal Radius FlowerCube will help to increase efficiency in the OR, through reducing intra-operative time and costs.

The Flower Anatomic Distal Radius plating set is part of Flower Small and Medium Implants Set, which is intended for use for internal fixation of fractures and reconstruction of bones, including the scapula, olecranon, humerus, radius, ulna, pelvis, distal tibia, fibula, hand and foot in adults and in adolescents.

The system can also be used for palmar, ventral, dorsal or orthogonal application. The internal fixations and reconstructions include compression fractures, intra-articular and extra articular fractures, displaced fractures, osteotomies, non-unions and mal-unions.