
The new nanochemical imaging solution features PeakForce Tapping and IR EasyAlign technologies.

The IR EasyAlign allows Inspire to simplify scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (sSNOM), a technique that is used to identify chemical composition at the nanoscale.

While, Inspire is also claimed to use PeakForce Tapping to provide new information for graphene research, polymers, complex materials and thin films, by instantly correlating chemical maps with sample properties, such as modulus, conductivity, and workfunction.

Bruker AFM business general manager Dr Steve Minne said: "Inspire is a nanoscale characterization system that extends atomic force microscopy into the chemical regime by providing 10-nanometer correlated infrared, mechanical and topographical information.

"This capability finally lets any researcher answer the fundamental question of ‘where is it?’, and now also ‘what is it?’ at the nanoscale."

According to the company, Inspire ensures accurate and optimized data in all channels by providing decoupled, stable optical alignment that is independent of probe position, combined with ScanAsyst auto-optimization of the tip-sample interaction.

Image: Bruker Inspire IR Nanocharacterization System. Photo: courtesy of Business Wire / Bruker.