Under the terms of the partnership, JKOM will be responsible for the marketing and distribution of DynoSense’s existing Dyno technology, as well as future products, through an existing network of healthcare providers who actively serve more than two million patients.

The Dyno is the world’s first fully integrated multi-function health scanner technology that can capture more than 33 critical health metrics in less than 60 seconds with a single user action.

The captured health data is securely and wirelessly uploaded to the company’s cloud computing platform for further analytics and processing, and is then communicated to healthcare professionals.

JKOM will focus the Dyno’s application in China in the areas of chronic disease management as well as consumer and corporate wellness.

"DynoSense is working toward creating a whole new paradigm in the way physicians and patients interact," said Saeed Azimi, chief executive officer, DynoSense. "With our Dyno technology, physicians can now remotely catch serious medical conditions and treat them before they become chronic, and they can also better manage existing chronic disease. This new digital physician-patient connection has the potential to dramatically improve disease prevention and wellness."

JKOM Chairman Mr. Adam Zhu added, "By simply using the Dyno device, patients can provide their physicians with meaningful, actionable data any time and anywhere. We believe this pioneering technology will have a significant impact on healthcare delivery in terms of both efficiency and patient outcomes."