Bioline, along with Singapore’s MiRXES, has developed the assays for miRNA profiling of cancer samples, biofluids and stem cells.
Bioline president Marco Calzavara said: "The release of the EPIK miRNA Panel Assays follows the release of the ISOLATE II miRNA, Plant miRNA, Biofluids RNA, RNA/DNA/Protein and FFPE RNA/DNA Kits earlier this year and shows the continued commitment of Bioline to produce high quality miRNA kits to help researchers with miRNA expression profiling and quantification and in biomarker discovery."
By using a new approach developed by MiRXES, combinations of miRNA specific reverse transcriptase and hemi-nested real-time PCR primers were designed to maximize miRNA detection sensitivity and specificity.
The PCR assays will deploy SensiSMART with SYBR Green to detect extremely low levels of miRNA with high specificity, helping to discriminate between closely related miRNA sequences.
The assays will allow researchers to quickly analyze miRNAs and allow to suggest a correlation with the dysregulations in various cancers, in maintenance, differentiation and reprogramming of stem cells, in addition to look at circulating miRNAs that are regarded as a promising new class of biomarkers.
Meridian Life Science president Richard Eberly said: "We are excited about the release of the EPIK miRNA Panel Assays and the enhanced performance they provide for our important life science customers in the research, molecular diagnostic and pharmaceutical laboratories and biotechnology companies."
Image: The new assays have been developed for miRNA profiling of cancer samples, biofluids, and stem cells. Photo: courtesy of dream designs/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net.