
The Body Cardio device provides complete view of health with accurate measures of weight, BMI, body composition and standing heart rate.

It also offers pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurement, which is a key indicator of cardiac health and associated with hypertension and risks of cardiovascular incidents.

By using biometrical impedance scientific technique, the device calculates the body’s percentage of fat, muscle, water and bone mass.

The device holds capability to connect to the Withings Health Mate iOS and Android app, and automatically syncs data after every use of the scale.

Nokia Technologies digital health vice president Cedric Hutchings said: "Body Cardio is the most advanced device we have ever made.

"Body Cardio redefines how people use connected scales, providing them with a tool to manage their weight as well as heart health. It is like getting information from your annual physical every day."

The Body Cardio device, which is exclusively available at Apple Stores across the globe, is priced at $179.95.

Image: Withings Body Cardio connected scale. Photo: courtesy of PRNewsFoto / Withings.