The event is being held in Boston of Massachusetts from 26 to 29 October.

The Mazor X system represents a new surgical assurance platform for predictable surgery and patient benefit and it will be displayed at the Mazor and Medtronic booths, #931 and #1015, respectively.

"The Mazor X system is the culmination of a multi-year development effort by our team of robotic, algorithm and imaging experts, incorporating market feedback gathered from thousands of clinical cases performed with the Mazor core technology.

“It exemplifies our vision of healing through innovation and our ongoing dedication to patients by expanding guidance capabilities in the spine operating room,” commented Ori Hadomi, Chief Executive Officer.

“Mazor X is a transformative guidance system with advanced features and sophisticated integrative abilities. We believe it can change the way spine surgeries are performed.”

The commercial release of the Mazor X is a significant milestone for Mazor as well as for the Company's strategic partnership with Medtronic that was announced in May 2016. Since signing the agreement in May, Mazor and Medtronic have invested in co-marketing, promotion, and training efforts towards commercialization of the Mazor X.

The two companies, between them, now have hundreds of highly experienced capital and clinical specialists who are trained on Mazor X, who will be responsible for raising the awareness of, selling and supporting the Mazor X system. In response to the pre-launch activity by Mazor and Medtronic, dozens of surgeons have attended Mazor’s labs and been introduced to the Mazor X.

In July 2016, Mazor first unveiled the Mazor X. "The pre-launch interest has been exceptional and we are excited to publicly introduce the Mazor X at the prestigious NASS annual meeting. We expect that today’s announced commercial availability will further increase the momentum we are experiencing and drive the future sales of Mazor’s portfolio of products – the advanced Mazor X platform and the clinical workhorse Renaissance system," commented Mr. Hadomi.

Due to this rising interest, the Company established an exchange (post-sale) program for existing U.S. Renaissance users to expand to the Mazor X system.

Since the July unveiling, the Company has received three pre-launch orders prior to today’s commercial launch, with scheduled deliveries by the end of the 2017 first quarter. Additionally, the Company also received a purchase order from Medtronic for 15 Mazor X systems.