The procedure, dubbed PICO Genesis, uses ultra-short laser pulses that produce a shockwave effect which selectively shatters the pigment and results in disruption and remodeling of the upper dermis, leading to a more uniform complexion.
The company claims that it is a painless procedure which takes about 20 minutes from start to finish and it also requires virtually no downtime.
Practitioners using the new system have reported significant reductions in pigmentation along with overall uniformity to their patients’ skin complexion.
Cutera interim CEO and CFO Ron Santilli said: "Cutera has a recognized history of introducing proven technology and then repurposing it to benefit our customers and their patients.
"We recognize that pigmentary conditions are a leading aesthetic concern for our market and we're excited to launch a solution for this condition to physicians' practices nationwide while providing additional functionality to our enlighten system."
Since 1998, Cutera has been developing easy-to-use products that allow physicians and other qualified practitioners to offer better aesthetic treatments for their patients.