Triage Medical Packs consist of a Triage Airway Pack which includes a CPR face shield, an adult oral airway, a pediatric oral airway, a nasal airway with lubricating gel and latex free gloves.

In addition, the Triage Packs incorporate a Triage Bleeding Pack which includes Quik Clot 1st Response, a compression bandage, dressings, and latex-free gloves.

The company said in order to withstand any environment, Triage Airway and Triage Bleeding Pack are packaged in durable, waterproof, high visibility packs.

Tactical Medical Packs CEO and founder Maurizio Miglietta said, "The Triage Medical Packs will fill the current gap between initial triage and treatment by making available a comprehensive, systematized approach to treating immediate category patients in the field."