Invented by the company’s founder Tim Pruett, the new products feature the company’s Flossguard and Bite Bumper technology apart from tension-free flossers. In addition, the new products also feature brush attachments to replace the floss attachments.

Flossolution 500 series features a sonic powered handle, while the Flossolution Lite is beneficial for those who need a smaller alternative or prefer a non-powered device.

The Flossguard protects gums from flossing trauma by controlling the depth the floss, while the Bite Bumper acts as a soft pad for opposing teeth during flossing.

Commenting on the launch, Pruett said, "In our dental practice we’ve used every technique possible to motivate patients to floss, from showing photos of how much tooth structure is lost after removing decay between teeth, to adding up the chair-time and cost required to replace it."