The EndyMed PRO implements third generation 3DEEP RF technology, which performs to new levels while enabling the provider to deliver superior treatments safely, comfortably and efficaciously.

The Eclipse’s opinion is that the EndyMed PRO will clearly meet the requirements and expectations even of customers that had experienced disappointment with previous RF devices.

Due to the unique 3DEEP technology, the radio frequency energy is forced to go where it typically would not travel; but where it needs to travel to have a meaningful clinical effect, says Tom O’Brien, Eclipsemed CEO. This technology can drive high power controlled and contained energy as deep as 9mm allowing best of breed safety and efficacy levels of treatment.

The EndyMed PRO has proven for the reduction of wrinkles, with results that are sustained and have even improved in long term post treatment follow-ups. The EndyMed PRO has the control and safety of a typical bipolar device, yet due to the 3DEEP technology, its efficacy or safety profile is clinically superior. Additionally, the 3DEEP technology uniquely allows the delivery of consistent energy into the skin, independently of individual differences in skin impedance. This feature addresses one of the key shortcomings of RF devices which is inconsistent clinical outcomes resulting from unanticipated changes in tissue impedance.